Interlibrary Loan

Libraries: Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement

The Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley is a higher education consortium composed of four academic institutions located within twelve miles of one another in the villages of Canton and Potsdam in the St. Lawrence Valley of Northern New York.

Students, faculty, and staff of the four institutions may use all libraries and collections on site for research and study. A direct borrowing agreement allows students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from the general circulating collection of all libraries. Borrowing in person may be done on presentation of a valid identification card.

Responsibilities and Restrictions:

  • All borrowing is subject to the rules of the lending institution. The borrower bears the responsibility for understanding the policies of the lending library and for the materials borrowed from the time of checkout until the item is returned.
  • Materials borrowed from another library may be returned through the library at the borrower’s home institution.
  • Borrowers are expected to respect due dates and recalls and to respond to all notices. Failure to receive an overdue notice does not relieve the borrower of responsibility for returning materials on time.
  • Lending libraries will assess fees for repair or replacement of damaged or lost materials. The borrower’s home institution may be asked to cooperate in the collection of such fees.
  • Lending libraries may limit the number of items loaned to students, faculty and staff of other Associated Colleges’ libraries.
  • Borrowers not complying in full with library policies may be subject to administrative sanctions at their home institution and may be denied further loans.