Title IX

The Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley – Clarkson University, SUNY Canton, SUNY Potsdam and St. Lawrence University – affirm that educational communities should be models of equity, civility, and inclusiveness. On our campuses discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and violence of any kind are unacceptable. Together with our community partners, we strive to be institutions and communities where all can learn and flourish. It is imperative that students be able to experience the full benefits of higher education in an atmosphere of respect and support.

Individually and collaboratively, we have policies and procedures in place to educate students and employees about these issues and the consequences for those who violate them, as well as resources for support of victims. We are proud that our own standards exceed the mandates set by state and federal statutes.

Title IX prohibits gender discrimination in education programs and activities that receive federal funds. Sexual violence is one of the most severe forms of gender discrimination. Federal statutes provide institutions with the authority and responsibility to address incidents of sexual assault involving members of the campus community, whether or not they have been reported to law enforcement authorities.

Students are our partners in this effort as well. Through our programs, we empower them to create a culture that sustains affirmative consent and gender equity. Students need to know we support those who come forward and speak out when incidents occur. In our daily work, we have the privilege of witnessing the transformative power that education has on the lives of our students. We are committed to creating and sustaining such an environment.

We want our fellow community members to know that we will be sharing our resources with the wider North Country community to help in fostering a culture of equity, civility, and inclusiveness free from sexual misconduct or violence.


Anthony Collins
Clarkson University

Zvi Szafran
SUNY Canton

Philip T. Neisser
Officer in Charge
SUNY Potsdam

William Fox
St. Lawrence University

For more information on the Associated Colleges’ Title IX policies and procedures, please visit the following websites:

For Clarkson University:

For St. Lawrence University:

For SUNY Canton:

For SUNY Potsdam: